Find out more about The Leather Goods project here.
Looking back, we’ve encountered quite a few intriguing collaborations with each creative
carrying a unique style of their own. Needless to say, it has been more than just a shoot-and-go
experience and we’re more than keen to delve deeper into the world of creatives. Every
collaboration has been an eye-opening journey and needless to say, we’re still on a journey of
our own to reach greater heights. With great passion and dedication, we look forward to
upcoming opportunities with art directors, designers and creatives of all kinds!
Welcome creatives:
Feel free to explore our other work aside from advertising and product photography at WeiLoke
Photography. If any of our photography work has piqued your interest, you’re more than
welcome to drop us a message here or contact us via the following methods:
● Email
● Call 017-360 4928
● Message WhatsApp